Self-care and self-love have to some of biggest key buzz words for 2020-2021. I believe that with pandemic we all had to focus on what brings us joy and happiness when we couldn’t leave our house. Just like in the airplanes, we had to put the oxygen mask over ourselves before we could help anyone else. So people have looked to ways to practice self-care that manages to everyday challenges of life. Not alone being black in America in itself is already a stress in itself. Yoga can become a great outlet to allow your mind to be at ease, and actually play and feel free. These are the top 5 reasons to do yoga.

  1. Flexibility/Mobility: One huge myth about yoga is that it is for flexible people. This could not be further from the truth. The continual practice of yoga can bring on a greater flexibility in your body. It is important to not only strengthen your muscles but to stretch them as well.
  2. Calming mind/Stress Relief: There is nothing like peace of mind, it’s priceless. With yoga and the breathing practices, it helps to tune out the never ending, voice in our heads. Just taking a moment to let some of your worries and stressors fade away is important. Yoga does not end stress or make all problems go away but, it can be a tool to use to take a break and put everything in perspective.
  3. Sense of Community: A chance to participate in an activity with of like-minded people is a wonderful experience. The chance to share something you enjoy is a way to connect. Just being in class and hearing the collective breathe. Now building online communities and self-practice moments with others who practice is very important to the overall process of connecting with others. 
  4. Concentration/Exploration: One of the biggest factors for my yoga practice is the everyday self-discovery, if I can do something. Discovering a new asana that you never thought you could do, or going deeper into your thoughts and feelings is an exhilarating feeling. Yoga is about you on your mat and not the next person, so self-discovery.
  5. Commitment: The commitment you make to yourself is best commitment. Whether you make it as an early morning routine, midday pick me up, incorporating yoga into your wellness routine will be an extra layer of comfort you will enjoy.